Art saves lives. I see evidence of this every day with the children I work with. It feels like alchemy as I witness their anxiety and fears melt away at the point of creative engagement – and they are set free. I recognize this experience on a cellular level because it was mine throughout my own childhood. I am grateful to say that it continues to be mine, and it is an honor to be able to help open this portal to liberation for hundreds of young people each year.
For me, this painting, “The Artist and Her Muse” IS that feeling of resurrection, salvation, and personal freedom. It was interesting to hear Guillermo del Toro’s speech at the Oscar’s about being an outsider, and monsters being his saviors. We are all outsiders in one way or another, and there are loving monsters within us and around us if we are able to recognize them.
I am in the midst of creating an exclusive collection of giclee prints from the original oil painting, “The Artist and Her Muse”. The 20 limited edition Artist Proof prints will be available for sale by May 1st. This will be the third print that I have had made so far, and the quality of the work done by the folks at Marco Fine Arts printing press continues to amaze me. Please contact me directly at tiffany@tiffanygrahamart,com if you are interested in ordering one. The price will be $900, or $1400 with a beautiful matte and frame made by Allen Jeffries in Beverly Hills.