
Pandemic Paintings

Two new characters have found their way onto my easel since March of 2020: a masked child and a kneeling man. And with them came fireflies and golden lanterns. Most artists have a cast of [...]

A Dream Made Visible – New Website!

This past year of sheltering-in-place has offered many of us unexpected gifts, as well as obvious hardships.  For me, one of these gifts was finally having the time and space to create an intentional website [...]

Art Saves Lives

Art saves lives. I see evidence of this every day with the children I work with. It feels like alchemy as I witness their anxiety and fears melt away at the point of creative engagement [...]

A Peace of Heaven (work in progress)

This is a small section of a new dreamscape that I started while in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. It is a two-panel painting ("diptych"), a style I've wanted to explore for years now in [...]

New Commission Painting: “THE VEIL”

“The Veil” (47″ x 34″), commissioned by author, Peter Janney and inspired by his provocative nonfiction book, Mary’s Mosaic, has been an unusual journey from the outset (  Mary’s Mosaic is the story of the [...]

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